Warkworth Castle

Alnwick, Alnmouth & Warkworth
May 1, 2021



Warkworth Hermitage

Turning Point

Attraction Details

2km (1 hour)
Map OS Explorer 332
Parking Free for English Heritage Members

I wanted Ice Cream,

so in a bid to visit the 📌Morwick Dairy that I discovered on TikTok of all places we turned it into a double whammy visit – ticking off one of our walks in the process. This time around – Warkworth Castle.

We needed a short walk for Rachael,

It just so happens that Warkworth Castle is one of the shortest routes in our guidebook! This meant spurred on by a cup of tea, Rachael could carry the 3lbs+ of baby around without too many stops.

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Impressive, but closed…

We pulled up to the Warkwork Castle car park and took full advantage of our English Heritage memberships by having a good nosey about the grounds before we headed out.

The castle itself was closed due to remaining COVID safety measures which means we will have to visit again – which is enough excuse for more ice cream, so I’m not complaining.

The site contains various ruins that remain enough intact to visualise the layout that people hundreds of years ago would have used to prepare food, look after livestock and worship.

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Up n Over entrance

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Hover for surprise

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Lion Tower

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She told me to walk this way…

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Cross-shaped Keep

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Down below 

As we completed the tour, we grabbed hot drinks from the overpriced on-site shop. Incidentally staffed by the absolute loveliest people you’d ever meet, which made the prices sting a little less.

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Setting off 

Headed down a small decline around the Western edge of the castle, a gravel path snakes around the perimeter until you hit a fork in the road.

Heading straight on would have taken us to the quaint town centre. Instead, the guide directs you down a huge winding hilltop the river edge. I commented to Rachael that whilst all the downhill is easy, we would need to ascend in equal measure at some point to her displeasure.

Guided by a helpful signpost – our direction of travel to the Hermitage was set.

The riverside portion of the walk is incredibly easygoing and serene. A perfect place to gather your thoughts and suck in some fresh air.

Whilst headed down the path, I googled on my phone to see some more details about the Hermitage to find that on Sundays (May 1st is a Saturday…) some boats that can ferry you across the small expanse of water- Just one more valid reason to return and grab an ice cream on the way!


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Staying on track

We passed a couple of benches placed in remembrance of loved ones. As Rachael was feeling fine, we skipped them both and pressed on to the Hermitage.

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Making progress

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Keep me in the distance

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Obligatory Kissing Gate

Close to the Hermitage is a lovely looking farm which was more interesting to look at than the Hermitage itself. After taking a short breather here we know the hill and aforementioned ascent awaited us on the final leg of the walk.

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Farmward bound

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To hill and back

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Canoning the Castle

Once atop the hill, it was a short rounded track across some fields to return to the car park. A short but sweet ramble during a gloriously sunny day taking in the beautiful Warkworth scenery and probably our last before baby arrives.



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